Tag Archives: Dungeons and Dragons

I Read Some Things: Week of March 9, 2015

Reading List

I read some things this week over the last month. I’ve been busy, but we’ll be back to our normal programming soon. After the jump, you can read them, too.

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Latest Unearthed Arcana: Eberron Update, v1.1 Analyzed

At some point this week, Wizards of the Coast silently updated the first installment of their monthly R&D/playtest series, Unearthed Arcana: Eberron. This is exciting, especially since I had previously offered a detailed critique of the Artificer class, and I’m hopeful for some thoughtful revisions. I’ll breakdown the changes in version 1.1, point by point, after the jump.

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I Read Some Things: Week of February 9th, 2015

Reading List

I read some things this week. After the jump, you can read them, too.

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We Need to Talk About the Artificer from Unearthed Arcana: Eberron

Not the same Unearthed Arcana

This is not the Unearthed Arcana you’re looking for… via

A week ago, Wizards of the Coast’s R&D team released Unearthed Arcana: Eberron, the first supplemental material that’s been released for Dungeons & Dragons 5E, and the first hat tip to Eberron since the D&D Next playtest ended. Of course, this is all stamped with a huge DRAFT label, and effectively serves as a playtest feedback period for the materials.

The purpose of the Unearthed Arcana series appears to be providing an early glimpse into the R&D team’s priorities, projects, and products, as well as a way to get playtest feedback from the D&D community. Though the product strategy for 5E is still “evolving,”it seems clear that Wizards is more open to giving new content to players for free online. Leveraging the D&D community to validate design decisions and provide playtest feedback is an encouraging new trend for Wizards of the Coast, and I support any move towards transparency for the hobby’s flagship brand.

So while I think Unearthed Arcana is great in theory, now that we’ve had more than a week to play the beta of the first rules supplement, it’s time to offer some feedback. We need to talk about the Artificer.

Update 2/16: Unearthed Arcana was updated to v1.1. The Artificer wasn’t affected, but I’ve got the full changelog available here.

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I Read Some Things: Week of February 2nd, 2015

Reading List

I read some things this week. After the jump, you can read them, too.

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I Read Some Things: Week of January 26th, 2015

I read some things this week. After the jump, you can read them, too.

Enjoy the Super Bowl.

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